August 2024 Newsletter
In this edition:
- President's Message
- Online Enrichment Committee
- Forthcoming Content
- Save the Date: 5-Year Institute
President's Message
Dear JASPA Colleagues,
At Holy Cross, new students are in the throes of fall orientation and preparing for classes to begin. After I get over the fact that summer flew by all too quickly, I find myself marveling at the adventures of learning and discovery that await these young people we have the privilege of educating. I am certain that they will be wowed by new ideas and challenged by demanding academics. And over time, they will grow more confident in who they are. I hope they will also experience the depth of who we are as a Jesuit Catholic institution, and that our Ignatian spirituality will live in them as a source of joy and inspiration.
Whether or not our students are exposed to the fullness of what our AJCU institutions offer them depends entirely on how well versed we are in Jesuit education and Ignatian spirituality. As student affairs professionals, we take our professional development rather seriously, ensuring that we are well-versed in the latest research about belonging and well-being, implementing best and emerging practices in community building and dialogue.
Engaging in our own professional development helps us serve our students better and helps us be more effective contributors to our institutions -- a sentiment expressed in the ninth of the Principles of Good Practice for Student Affairs at Catholic Colleges and Universities:
Intentionally develops the profession of student affairs at Catholic colleges and universities as a vital component of Catholic higher education.
My hope is that we are as serious and deliberate about understanding the foundational tenets that ground us as Jesuit and Catholic as we are about staying abreast of regulatory changes and the effects of AI or social media or demographic shifts.
As we begin a new year, let us commit to learning more about Ignatian spirituality and Jesuit education. JASPA can help with this. Whether through our webinar series, sharing outstanding programs, or in our in-person gatherings -- especially this academic year for our 5-Year Institute in June -- JASPA is focused on giving you the tools you need to ensure that our students do experience the fullness of who we are as Jesuit Catholic institutions. My hope is that our shared identity will be as much of a source of joy and inspiration to you as it is to our students.
My best wishes for the year ahead,
Michele Murray
President, JASPA
Senior Vice President for Student Development and Mission
College of the Holy Cross
Online Enrichment Committee
While we are excitedly preparing for the next time JASPA can gather in person in March and for next summer's 5-Year Institute, JASPA is seeking volunteers to join our Online Enrichment Committee. The committee will be working on expanding opportunities for JASPA memberships to connect with one another, engage with professional development opportunities outside of our in-person events, and create opportunities for mentorship across the network.
If you are interested in contributing to the committee, please fill out our Google Interest Form. Please contact Brian Regan at (JASPA for Vice President for Online Enrichment, Boston College) if you have any questions.
Forthcoming Content
For the 2024-2025 academic year, future editions of this email newsletter will feature new content such as highlighting JASPA grant and award recipients, promoting online enrichment programs, and providing space for members of our community to share reflections on the Principles of Good Practice for Student Affairs at Catholic Colleges & Universities and Characteristics of Jesuit Higher Education.
Please contact Tedd Vanadilok at (JASPA Vice President for Technology and Communication, Santa Clara University) if you are interested in learning more about how to share your own reflection on any of these principles and characteristics.
Save the Date
2025 JASPA 5-Year Institute
June 23-27, 2025
@ Loyola University New Orleans
Full details forthcoming this fall!