Networking Groups & Committees
Networking Group for Residential Life, Commuter Services, and On/Off-Campus Living.
Online group for the Online Professional Enrichment Committee.
Online group for the liaisons for each member institution.
see moreOnline group for the liaisons for each member institution.
Networking Group for Orientation, First Year Experience, New Student, and Family Programs.
Networking Group for Health, Wellness, and Counseling.
Networking Group for Student Activities, Programming, Greek Life, and Leadership.
Networking Group for Ministry, Spirituality, and Service.
Online group for the planning committee for the 2019 National Jesuit Student Leadership Conference (NJSLC) at the University of Detroit Mercy.
Online group for the planning committee for the 2018 National Jesuit Student Leadership Conference (NJSLC) at Le Moyne College.
Online group for the planning committee for the 5-Year 2020 Summer Institute at Loyola University Chicago.
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